-- you can use your own month names and so on; even if you change
-- the length of the year the code will adapt
local days = {
'Day of the Frozen River'; 'Day of Fell Shadow';
'Day of Peaceful Splendor'; 'Day of Somber Reflection';
'Day of Wrathful Visitation'; 'Day of Wistful Remembrance';
'Day of the Warm Hearth'; 'Day of Joyous Worship';
'Day of the Fond Farewell';
local weeks = {
"Merchant's Week"; "Chandler's Week"; "Miller's Week";
"Bard's Week"; "Cobbler's Week";
local moons = {
local yearadj = {
local yearnoun = {
local yg = function(y)
local pos = -3
local neg = y < 0
y = tostring(math.abs(y))
local n = ''
while true do
local w = string.sub(y,pos,pos+2)
if w == nil or w == '' then break end
n = w .. ',' .. n
pos = pos - 3
if neg then n = '-' .. n end
return string.sub(n,1,-2)
return {
days_per_stellar_cycle = 17;
default = 'imperial';
styles = {
imperial = {
name = 'Imperial Archipelagian Calendar';
days = days, weeks = weeks, moons = moons;
longdate = function(date)
local day = days [date.day_of_week ]
local week = weeks[date.week_of_moon]
local moon = moons[date.moon_of_year]
return string.format('%s on %s in %s after %s years of the Imperial Revolution',day,week,moon,yg(date.year))
shortdate = function(date)
return string.format('%u/%u %s I.R.', date.day_of_moon, date.moon_of_year, yg(date.year))