sorcery  Artifact [40f7d044df]

Artifact 40f7d044dfa97bf1658edcc6cbc75720c00d7db9c90c7e1679ca2f985fede13b:

  • File data/compat.lua — part of check-in [96c5289a2a] at 2020-10-21 03:35:35 on branch trunk — add rune forges, runes, amulet frames, write sacrifice spell, touch up amulet graphics, enable enchantment of amulets (though spells cannot yet be cast), defuckulate syncresis core icon, unfuckitize sneaky leycalc bug that's probably been the cause of some long-standing wackiness, add item classes, add some more textures, disbungle various other asstastrophes, remove sneaky old debug code, improve library code, add utility for uploading merge requests (user: lexi, size: 2050) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]

-- compatibility tables
-- this file is used to hold information that would normally
-- be tagged in the _sorcery or _proto fields of an item's
-- definition, but cannot be placed there because the item
-- is outside the control of the author and its module does
-- not cooperate with sorcery. it is used by itemclass.lua
-- to seamlessly locate the material properties and
-- capabilities of an item.
local grain = {
	hardness = 1;
	value = 1;
	powder = 'farming:flour';
	grindcost = 3;
return {
	grindables = {
		['farming:wheat'] = grain;
		['farming:rye'] = grain;
		['farming:oats'] = grain;
		['farming:barley'] = grain;
		['farming:rice'] = {
			powder = 'farming:rice_flour';
			hardness = 1, value = 1;
			grindcost = 3;
		['default:paper'] = {
			powder = 'sorcery:pulp';
			hardness = 1, grindvalue = 2;
			grindcost = 1;
		['default:book'] = {
			powder = 'sorcery:pulp';
			hardness = 1, grindvalue = 2 * 3;
			grindcost = 1;
		['default:book_written'] = {
			powder = 'sorcery:pulp_inky';
			hardness = 1, grindvalue = 2 * 3;
			grindcost = 1;
		['default:papyrus'] = {
			powder = 'sorcery:pulp';
			hardness = 1, grindvalue = 3;
			grindcost = 1;
	ley = {
		['default:mese'] = {
			power = 0.25;
			mode = 'produce';
	gems = {
		['default:mese_crystal'] = {
			id = 'mese', gem = true;
			value = 9, raw = true;
			sacrifice_value = 500;
		['default:mese_crystal_fragment'] = {
			id = 'mese', gem = true;
			value = 1, raw = true;
			sacrifice_value = 500 / 9;
		['default:diamond'] = {
			id = 'diamond', gem = true;
			value = 9, raw = true;
	ore = {
		['default:stone_with_iron'   ] = { id = 'steel',   metal = true };-- :/
		['default:stone_with_copper' ] = { id = 'copper',  metal = true };
		['default:stone_with_tin'    ] = { id = 'tin',     metal = true };
		['default:stone_with_gold'   ] = { id = 'gold',    metal = true };
		['default:stone_with_mese'   ] = { id = 'mese',    gem = true };
		['default:stone_with_diamond'] = { id = 'diamond', gem = true };