sorcery  Artifact [3dd4d17be3]

Artifact 3dd4d17be38eaf1dedcf97c4c4f92b9e767977adc35ebdf594f25049ae5eccb4:

local enchantment_sparkle = function(ctx,color)
	return minetest.add_particlespawner {
		amount = 50;
		time = 0.5;
		minpos = vector.subtract(, 0.5);
		maxpos = vector.add(, 0.5);
		minvel = {x=0,z=0,y= 0.3}, maxvel = {x=0,z=0,y= 1.5};
		minacc = {x=-0.2,z=-0.2,y=-0.1}, maxacc = {x=0.2,z=0.2,y=-0.2};
		minexptime = 1, maxexptime = 2;
		minsize = 0.5, maxsize = 2;
		texture = sorcery.lib.image('sorcery_spark.png'):multiply(color):render();
		animation = {
			type = 'vertical_frames';
			aspect_w = 16, aspect_h = 16;
			length = 2;
		glow = 14;
local anchorwand = function(aff,uses,recipe)
	local affcolor = sorcery.lib.color([aff].color)
	return {
		name = aff .. ' anchor';
		desc = 'With an enchanter, anchor ' .. aff .. ' spells into an object to enable it to produce preternatural effects';
		uses = uses;
		affinity = recipe;
		color = affcolor;
		sound = 'xdecor_enchanting'; -- FIXME make own
		cast = function(ctx)
			if (not or ~= 'node' then return false end
			local node = minetest.get_node(
			if ~= 'sorcery:enchanter' then return false end

			local inv = minetest.get_meta(
			if inv:is_empty('item') then return false end
			local subj = inv:get_stack('item',1)

			-- now we have everything we need. this part is complex.
			-- first, we need to check the item to see if it is in a
			-- group eligible for enchantment. if so, we then retrieve
			-- the item material and look up the slots offered by this
			-- material. we iterate through the slot definitions to pick 
			-- out a candidate slot, criteria being that the slot
			-- possesses the proper affinity, and that the corresponding
			-- slot on the item enchantment record is empty, then pick
			-- the final slot at random from this table if #candidates>0
			-- (otherwise, we fail unceremoniously).

			local current_enchant = sorcery.enchant.get(subj)
			local material, eligible_spells = sorcery.enchant.getsubj(subj)
			if     eligible_spells == nil
			   or #eligible_spells == 0
			   or  material == nil
			   or == nil
			   or == 0
				   then return false end

			-- determine the properties the enchantment will have
			local power = 10
			local energy =
			local reliability = 100
			if ctx.base.gem == 'sapphire' then power = power + 5
			elseif ctx.base.gem == 'amethyst' then
				energy = energy * (math.random() * 0.7)
			elseif ctx.base.gem == 'diamond' then
				if math.random(5) == 1 then
					power = power * 2
					reliability = reliability - (reliability / 4)
					power = power + 5
					reliability = reliability - 10

			local viable_slots = {}
			for i,slot in pairs( do
				if sorcery.lib.tbl.has(slot.affinity,aff) then
					for _,spell in pairs(current_enchant.spells) do
						if spell.slot == i then goto nonviable end
					viable_slots[#viable_slots + 1] = i
			if #viable_slots == 0 then return false end

			local target_slot = viable_slots[math.random(#viable_slots)]
			-- once we have selected an appropriate slot, we iterate
			-- through the list of known enchantments to check the
			-- affinity of each against `aff`. if the affinity matches
			-- the wand, we then check whether the 'recipe' matches.
			-- if so, we've found the enchantment -- apply it to the
			-- object and update its enchantment data. otherwise, we
			-- move on to the next. if no matching recipe is found,
			-- we give up and bail, returning 'false' to signify that
			-- a spell was not cast.

			local focus_match = function(spec,stack)
				local default_mode
				if spec.lens then
					default_mode = 'dmg'
					if minetest.get_item_group(stack:get_name(), 'sorcery_enchanting_lens') == 0
						then return false end
					local proto = stack:get_definition()._proto
					if proto.kind ~= spec.lens or proto.gem ~= spec.gem
						then return false end
				elseif spec.item then
					default_mode = 'consume'
					if stack:get_name() ~= spec.item then
						return false end
					return false

				local mode
				if spec.dmg then mode = 'dmg'
				elseif spec.consume then mode = 'consume'
				else mode = default_mode end

				if mode == 'dmg' then
					stack:add_wear((spec.dmg or 1) * 1000)
					return stack
				elseif mode == 'consume' then
					stack:take_item(spec.consume or 1)
					return stack
			for ench,data in pairs( do
				if data.affinity ~= aff or data.recipe == nil then goto skip end
				local newinv = {}
				for s,v in pairs(data.recipe) do
					newinv[s] = focus_match(v,inv:get_stack('foci',s))
					if newinv[s] == false then goto skip end
				-- is the tool compatible with the chosen spell? we check its groups to
				-- see if any of them grant it eligibility; if not, we skip to the next
				-- spell. NOTE: this means the same recipe could mean different things
				-- for different kinds of tools, if one were so inclined.
				for g,v in pairs(subj:get_definition().groups) do
					if v ~= 0 and sorcery.lib.tbl.has(data.groups, g)
						then goto enchant end
				goto skip
				-- spell matches!
				::enchant:: current_enchant.spells[#current_enchant.spells + 1] = {
					id = ench;
					slot = target_slot;
					boost = power;
					reliability = reliability;
				} = math.max(, energy)

				sorcery.enchant.set(subj, current_enchant)
				for i,v in pairs(newinv) do inv:set_stack('foci',i,v) end
				do return nil end
			return false
-- note: this was written before terminology was standardized,
-- and "leytype" corresponds to what is otherwise known as an
-- "affinity"; "affinity" after this comment is widely misused
return {
	flame = {
		name = 'flamebolt';
		color = {255,89,16};
		uses = 64;
		affinity = {'acacia','blazing'};
		leytype = 'praxic';
		desc = 'Conjure a gout of fire to scorch your foes with a flick of this wand';
		cast = function(ctx)
			local speed = 30 -- TODO maybe amethyst tip increases speed?
			local heading = ctx.heading
			heading.pos.y = heading.pos.y + 1.5 -- TODO maths
			local bolt = minetest.add_entity(heading.pos,'sorcery:spell_projectile_flamebolt')
			local vel = {
				x = heading.yaw.x * speed;
				y = heading.yaw.y * speed;
				z = heading.yaw.z * speed;
	seal = {
		name = 'sealing';
		color = {255,238,16};
		uses = 32;
		desc = 'Bind an object to your spirit such that it will be rendered impregnable to others, or break a sealing created with this same wand';
		leytype = 'imperic';
		affinity = {'pine','dark'};
		cast = function(ctx)
			if == nil or ~= 'node' then return false end
			local meta = minetest.get_meta(
			-- first we need to check if the wand has an identifying 'key' yet,
			-- and set one if not.
			local wandmode = ctx.base.gem == 'sapphire'
			local keycode
			if ctx.meta:contains('sorcery_wand_key') then
				keycode = ctx.meta:get_string('sorcery_wand_key')
				keycode = sorcery.lib.str.rand(32)
				ctx.meta:set_string('sorcery_wand_key', keycode)
				-- ctx.meta:mark_as_private('sorcery_wand_key')
			if meta:contains('owner') then
				-- owner is already set -- can we break the enchantment?
				if meta:get_string('sorcery_wand_key') == keycode then
				else return false end
				if wandmode then
	leyspark = {
		name = 'Leyspark';
		leytype = 'cognic';
		color = {255,246,142}; -- bright yellow
		affinity = {'apple','silent'};
		uses = 128;
		desc = 'Reveal the strength and affinities of the local leyline';
		cast = function(ctx)
			local color = ctx.base.gem == 'sapphire';
			local duration = (ctx.base.gem == 'amethyst' and 4) or 2;
			local ley = sorcery.ley.estimate(ctx.caster:get_pos())
			local emit = function(color,strength)
				minetest.add_particlespawner {
					amount = 70 * strength;
					time = duration * strength;
					attached = ctx.caster;
					texture = sorcery.lib.image('sorcery_spark.png'):
					minpos = { x = -0.1, z =  0.5, y =  1.2}; 
					maxpos = { x =  0.1, z =  0.3, y =  1.6}; 
					minvel = { x = -0.5, z = -0.5, y = -0.5};
					maxvel = { x =  0.5, z =  0.5, y =  0.5};
					minacc = { x =  0.0, z =  0.0, y =  0.5};
					maxacc = { x =  0.0, z =  0.0, y =  0.5};
					minsize = 0.4, maxsize = 0.8;
					minexptime = 1, maxexptime = 1;
					glow = 14;
					animation = {
						type = 'vertical_frames';
						aspect_w = 16;
						aspect_h = 16;
						length = 1.1;

			local strength = ley.force
			if color then
				strength = strength / #ley.aff
				for _,a in pairs(ley.aff) do
					emit(sorcery.lib.color([a].color), strength)
				emit(sorcery.lib.color(250,255,185), strength)

	dowse = {
		name = 'dowsing';
		leytype = 'cognic';
		color = {65,116,255};
		affinity = {'acacia','dark','silent'};
		uses = 176;
		desc = 'Send up sparks of radia to indicate nearness or absence of attuned blocks';
	verdant = {
		name = 'verdant';
		color = {16,29,255};
		uses = 48;
		leytype = 'imperic';
		desc = 'Pour life-energy into the soil, causing flowers and trees to spring up at your command';
		affinity = {'jungle','verdant'};
	praxic        = anchorwand('praxic',       16, {'pine','shimmering','blazing'});
	counterpraxic = anchorwand('counterpraxic',23, {'pine','shimmering','silent'});
	entropic      = anchorwand('entropic',      8, {'jungle','dark'});
	syncretic     = anchorwand('syncretic',    12, {'aspen','verdant','shimmering','blazing'});
	cognic        = anchorwand('cognic',       36, {'acacia','verdant','dark'});
	shape = {
		name = 'shaping';
		uses = 24;
		color = {255,114,65};
		leytype = 'praxic';
		affinity = {'apple','blazing'};
		desc = 'With an enchanter, physically alter the mundane qualities of an object';
	attune = {
		name = 'attunement';
		uses = 38;
		color = {255,65,207};
		leytype = 'syncretic';
		affinity = {'pine','verdant','dark'};
		desc = 'Establish a connection between mystic mechanisms, like connecting two sides of a portal or impressing targets onto a dowsing wand in an enchanter';
	meld = {
		name = 'melding';
		uses = 48;
		leytype = 'syncretic';
		color = {172,65,255};
		affinity = {'apple','verdant'};
		desc = 'Meld the properties of three balanced items on an enchanter to create a new one with special properties, but destroying the old ones and losing two thirds of the mass in the process. The precise outcome is not always predictable.';
	divide = {
		name = 'division';
		uses = 19;
		leytype = 'syncretic';
		color = {255,65,121};
		affinity = {'apple','shimmering'};
		desc = 'Shatter an item on an enchanter, dividing its essence equally into three parts and precipitating it into new items embodying various properties of the destroyed item. The outcome is not always predictable.';
	obliterate = {
		name = 'obliteration';
		uses = 129;
		color = {175,6,212};
		affinity = {'aspen','dark'};
		leytype = 'occlutic';
		desc = 'Totally and irreversibly obliterate all items on an enchanter.';
	sacrifice = {
		name = 'sacrifice';
		uses = 58;
		color = {212,6,63};
		affinity = {'aspen','blazing'};
		leytype = 'syncretic';
		desc = 'Transform the matter of one to three items on an enchanter into energy and empower the item on the center of the enchanter with it. Useful to recharge wands in areas with weak leylines.';
	transfer = {
		name = 'transfer';
		uses = 65;
		color = {6,212,121};
		leytype = 'syncretic';
		affinity = {'aspen','shimmering','silent'};
		desc = 'Transfer ley-current from items on an enchanter into the item in the center, but at a 50% loss if they are of mismatched affinities. One third of maximum current is transferred, and when used on items with little power may destroy them or their enchantments';
	transmute = {
		name = 'transmutation';
		uses = 7;
		color = {255,90,18};
		leytype = 'imperic';
		affinity = {'aspen','shimmering','dark','blazing'};
		desc = 'Transmute three ingots into one of a different metal, determined by chance and influenced by configuration of the wand';
	disjoin = {
		name = 'disjunction';
		uses = 32;
		color = {17,6,212};
		leytype = 'occlutic';
		affinity = {'jungle','silent'};
		desc = 'With an enchanter, disjoin the anchor holding a spell into an object so a new spell can instead be bound in';
	luminate = {
		name = 'lumination';
		desc = 'Banish darkness all about you for a few moments';
		uses = 40;
		color = {244,255,157};
		affinity = {'acacia','shimmering','blazing'};
		leytype = 'cognic';
		cast = function(ctx)
			local center = ctx.heading.pos
			local maxpower = 20
			local power = (ctx.base.gem == 'sapphire' and maxpower) or maxpower/2
			local range = (ctx.base.gem == 'emerald' and 10) or 5
			local duration = (ctx.base.gem == 'amethyst' and 60) or 30
			if ctx.base.gem == 'diamond' then
				power = power * (math.random()*2)
				range = range * (math.random()*2)
				duration = duration * (math.random()*2)
			local lum = math.ceil((power/maxpower) * minetest.LIGHT_MAX)
			print('setting lum',lum)
			for i=1,power do
				local pos = vector.add(center, {
					x = math.random(-range,range);
					z = math.random(-range,range);
					y = math.random(0,range/2);
				local delta = vector.subtract(pos,center)
				local near = 1 - (delta.x^2 + delta.y^2 + delta.z^2)/(range^2)
				if minetest.get_node(pos).name == 'air' then
					minetest.set_node(pos,{name='sorcery:air_glimmer_' .. tostring(lum)})
					do local lm = minetest.get_meta(pos)
						lm:set_float('power',lum * near)