procgen  Check-in [fc23f5bb6f]

Comment:add ranuir
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SHA3-256: fc23f5bb6fbf232fa3fb2b4d47994ac782374d02689cec637b569b74232a259e
User & Date: lexi on 2018-11-14 11:08:06
Other Links: manifest | tags
checkmate, athiests! check-in: 93b72b5a88 user: lexi tags: trunk
add ranuir check-in: fc23f5bb6f user: lexi tags: trunk
trying to force an update check-in: b76adf09b2 user: lexi tags: trunk

Modified procbot.rb from [60898c7346] to [a9347924e0].

     1      1   #!/usr/bin/ruby
     2      2   # encoding: UTF-8
     3      3   require "cinch"
     4      4   Bots = ["cclg", "sext", "sect", "order", "monster", "pharma", "argue","crime","drug","badbio","bottist","egret_txt", "babdio", "botsoc","dx","ransul"]
     6         -SmallMatch = /\b(ms\.|ms\s|sergeant\s|sgt\s|sgt\.)?\s*(samantha taggart|samantha tague|samantha|sam tague|sam taggart|samtague|sam|sammy|tague|taggart|(ね|)サム|(ね|)サムさん|(ね|)サムちゃん|سام|يا سام)\b/i
            6  +SmallMatch = /\b(ms\.|ms\s|sergeant\s|sgt\s|sgt\.|comrade\s|citizen\s)?\s*(samantha taggart|samantha tague|samantha|sam tague|sam taggart|samtague|sam|sammy|tague|taggart|(ね|)サム|(ね|)サムさん|(ね|)サムちゃん|سام|يا سام)\b/i
     7      7   FormalQs = [
     8      8   	"How may I be of assistance",
     9      9   	"Yes",
    10     10   	"You rang",
    11     11   	"What can I do for you today",
    12     12   	"Yes",
    13     13   	"You rang",
    25     25   		c.user = "samtague"
    26     26   		c.realname = "samantha taggart"
    27     27   		#c.sasl.username = "sam-tague"
    28     28   		#c.sasl.password = "bott-ist-tot"
    29     29   		c.ssl.use = true
    30     30   	end
    31     31   
    32         -	on :message, /\b(ms\.|ms\s|sergeant\s|sgt\s|sgt\.)?\s*(samantha taggart|samantha tague|samantha|sam tague|sam taggart|samtague|sam|tague|taggart|(ね|)サム|(ね|)サムさん|(ね|)サムちゃん|سام|يا سام)\b/i do |m|
           32  +	on :message, /\b(ms\.|ms\s|sergeant\s|sgt\s|sgt\.|comrade\s|citizen\s)?\s*(samantha taggart|samantha tague|samantha|sam tague|sam taggart|samtague|sam|tague|taggart|(ね|)サム|(ね|)サムさん|(ね|)サムちゃん|سام|يا سام)\b/i do |m|
    33     33   		
    34     34   		@m=m
    35     35   		@shouting = false
    36     36   		def reply(x)
    37     37   			if @shouting
    38     38   				@m.reply x.upcase
    39     39   			else
    60     60   		user = m.user.nick
    61     61   		if ranks.include?(user)
    62     62   			rank=ranks[user]
    63     63   		else
    64     64   			rank="Commander"
    65     65   		end
    66     66! {|x| x.strip}
    67         -		
           67  +
    68     68   		cmd[1].downcase!
    69     69   		if cmd[1] == "ms" or cmd[1] == "ms."
    70     70   			formality = :formal
    71     71   			name = cmd[2].downcase
    72     72   			action = cmd[3].downcase
    73     73   		elsif cmd[1] == "sergeant" or cmd[1]=="sgt" or cmd[1]=="sgt."
    74     74   			formality = :military
    75     75   			name = cmd[2].downcase
           76  +			action = cmd[3]
           77  +		elsif cmd[1] == "comrade" or cmd[1]=="citizen"
           78  +			formality = :ranuir
           79  +			name = cmd[2].downcase
    76     80   			action = cmd[3]
    77     81   		else
    78     82   			formality = :friendly
    79     83   			name = cmd[1].downcase
    80     84   			action = cmd[2]
    81     85   		end
    82     86   		if action == ""
    83     87   			action = cmd[0].downcase
    84     88   			action.sub!(/\W*$/,'')
    85     89   			greeting = ""
    86     90   		else
    87     91   			greeting = cmd[0].downcase
    88     92   		end
    89     93   
    90         -		greetings = ["hey", "hi", "yo", "hello","hey there","hi there","yo there","heya","what up","oh shit","aw yeah","ahlan","hujambo","اهلن", "你好","morning","evening","afternoon","good morning","good evening","good afternoon", "buenos días", "buenos dias", "buenos tardes", "bonjour", "ciao", "bonsoir", "howdy"]
           94  +		greetings = ["hey", "hi", "yo", "hello","hey there","hi there","yo there","heya","what up","oh shit","aw yeah","ahlan","hujambo","اهلن", "你好","morning","evening","afternoon","good morning","good evening","good afternoon", "buenos días", "buenos dias", "buenos tardes", "bonjour", "ciao", "bonsoir", "howdy", "lif a til", "sil a iur", "s'aiur", "sosh a tur"]
    91     95   		if greetings.include?(action.sub(/^\W*/,'').sub(/\W*$/,''))
    92     96   			greeting = action
    93     97   			action = ""
    94     98   		end
    95     99   		action.sub!(/^\W*/,'')
    96    100   		action.sub!(/^please/,'')
    97    101   		action.sub!(/please$/,'')
   123    127   				"Hold your horses, " + rank + "!",
   124    128   				rank + " " + user + "! Report!",
   125    129   				"Report!"
   126    130   			] : [
   127    131   				"Sir!",
   128    132   				"What's the situation, sir?",
   129    133   				"What's the situation, "+rank+"?",
          134  +			],
          135  +			:ranuir => [
          136  +				'hal masenan?',
          137  +				'hal mase?',
          138  +				'halte?',
          139  +				'masin halte?',
          140  +				'masenan?',
          141  +				'han?',
          142  +				'hal?',
          143  +				'hal',
          144  +				'an dale',
          145  +				'hala pere?',
          146  +				'hala perenan?',
          147  +				'perenan?',
          148  +				'hali iufit an sana rigaste?',
          149  +				'rigastenan?',
          150  +				'an sana rigastenan?',
          151  +				'an sana rigaftenan?',
          152  +				'hal sana geshenan?',
          153  +				'gesh dalenan?',
          154  +				'halit gesh dale?',
          155  +				'sil a iur',
          156  +				's\'aiur'
   130    157   			]
          158  +
   131    159   		}
   132    160   		affirmatives = {
   133    161   			:friendly => [
   134    162   				"sure thing.",
   135    163   				"no problem.",
   136    164   				"no worries.",
   137    165   				"will do.",
   154    182   				"Wilco!",
   155    183   				"Roger that!",
   156    184   				"Roger that, sir!",
   157    185   				"Roger!",
   158    186   				"Wilco, sir!",
   159    187   				"Wilco, "+rank+"!",
   160    188   				"Roger, " +rank+"!",
          189  +			],
          190  +			:ranuir => [
          191  +				"elen vinesh.",
          192  +				"hante.",
          193  +				"han.",
          194  +				"hante, surin.",
          195  +				"han, surin.",
          196  +				"coshvin.",
          197  +				"coshvin, san."
   161    198   			]
   162    199   		}
   163    200   		def scancmd(x,strs)
   164    201   			strs.each { |str|
   165    202   				return "" if x==str
   166    203   				if x.start_with?(str)
   167    204   					return x[str.length+1,x.length]
   308    345   			] : [
   309    346   				"Negative, sir.",
   310    347   				"Cannot comply, sir.",
   311    348   				"Not possible, "+rank+".",
   312    349   				"Negative, sir, we're pinned down!",
   313    350   				"We don't have the troops for that, "+rank+"!",
   314    351   				"Sorry, sir, there's nothing I can do."
          352  +			],
          353  +			:ranuir => [
          354  +				"lahi narit elena risesh e masi rih elena talo ve",
          355  +				"elen riho ve",
          356  +				"riho ve",
          357  +				"ve",
          358  +				"masa vesh",
          359  +				"masasto ve",
          360  +				"elen vinasto ve",
          361  +				"vini rih elena talo ve",
          362  +				"vina riho ve",
          363  +				"masa vinasto ve",
          364  +				"elen masa vinasto ve"
   315    365   			]
   316    366   		}
   317    367   		whoareyou = {
   318    368   			:friendly => [
   319    369   				"i'm sam!",
   320    370   				"i'm sam tague!",
   321    371   				"samantha taggart",
   332    382   			], :military => [
   333    383   				"Sergeant Samantha Taggart reporting for duty, sir!",
   334    384   				"Sergeant First Class Sam Taggart, sir!",
   335    385   				"Sergeant Taggart, sir.",
   336    386   				"Sergeant Taggart, sir. The boys call me Tague.",
   337    387   				"Sergeant Taggart, sir. But you can call me Sam.",
   338    388   				"Sergeant Taggart, sir. Call me Sam."
          389  +			], :ranuir => [
          390  +				'an Sama varlaste',
          391  +				'an Sam aste',
          392  +				'an Sam sa sule',
          393  +				'ani sul Sam aste',
          394  +				'an Sama sule',
          395  +				'Samtag-varlas ante',
          396  +				'Sam ante',
          397  +				'Sam-varlas ante',
          398  +				'an Sama sule na varlasa lase',
          399  +				'an Sama sule na varlaste',
          400  +				'ran ana Samma afsule'
   339    401   			]
   340    402   		}
   341    403   		goodgirl = {
   342    404   			:friendly => [
   343    405   				"^_^", ":)",
   344    406   				"thanks!",
   345    407   				"you're sweet",
   364    426   				"Yes, sir!",
   365    427   				"Sir, yes, sir!",
   366    428   				"Roger that, sir!",
   367    429   				"Thank you, sir!",
   368    430   				"You're not so bad yourself, sir.",
   369    431   				"Thank you, sir. And may I just say - it's been a pleasure serving under you, sir.",
   370    432   				"Godspeed, sir!"
          433  +			], :ranuir => [
          434  +				'tamit elen tare',
          435  +				'tilit elen tare',
          436  +				'sanit elen tare',
          437  +				'san shena me',
          438  +				'sanit elen tare, san shena me',
          439  +				'vin pelte',
          440  +				'vin pelte, san',
          441  +				'sana vines ien pelte',
          442  +				'sana vines ien elena afpele'
   371    443   			]
   372    444   		}
   373    445   		dontcare = {
   374    446   			:friendly => [
   375    447   				"well you should care",
   376    448   				"why not",
   377    449   				"why don't you care",
   396    468   				"No backtalk!"
   397    469   			] : [
   398    470   				"With all due respect, sir, caring is cool, sir!",
   399    471   				rank+", sir, I urgently request that you consider your position, sir!",
   400    472   				"Sir, with all due respect, I believe you are mistaken as to the importance of the situation, sir.",
   401    473   				"Sir, this situation is rapidly spiraling out of control.",
   402    474   				"But "+rank+", this situation is rapidly spiraling out of control."
          475  +			], :ranuir => [
          476  +				'e mase',
          477  +				'vido she',
          478  +				'e, vido she',
          479  +				'vido ves ien uasa me',
          480  +				'reshes ien tefa me',
          481  +				'resho ves ienit des uasa me',
          482  +				'resho ves ienit des uastashte',
          483  +				'uaste',
          484  +				'masin uasa me',
          485  +				'tefo ve',
          486  +				'masin tefo ve',
          487  +				'masi ienit des tefo ve',
          488  +				'masi ienit des uasa me',
          489  +				'masi ienit des uastashte',
          490  +				'des rishis ien tefa me',
          491  +				'des risho ves ien uasa me',
   403    492   			]
   404    493   		}
   405    494   		thankyou = {
   406    495   			:friendly => (mult ["np","no worries","sure thing","sure","ofc","of course","glad to help","don't worry about it","just glad to help","no problem","you got it"], ["", "!", "."]),
   407    496   			:formal => [
   408    497   				"You're welcome.",
   409    498   				"You're very welcome.",
   418    507   				"Don't mention it.",
   419    508   				"Oh, don't mention it."
   420    509   			], :military => [
   421    510   				"No thanks necessary, sir!",
   422    511   				"Just doing my job, sir.",
   423    512   				"It's what they pay me for, sir.",
   424    513   				"Sir, yes, sir!"
          514  +			], :ranuir => [
          515  +				"tamit elen tare",
          516  +				"tamit val tare",
          517  +				"sanit elen tare",
          518  +				"ashit val tare",
          519  +				"rig pelte",
          520  +				"asha riges ien pelte",
          521  +				"asha riges ien vala afpele",
          522  +				"sav citte",
          523  +				"sav valari citte"
   425    524   			]
          525  +
   426    526   		}
   427    527   		insults = {
   428    528   				:friendly => [
   429    529   					"i don't like you either, pal",
   430    530   					"fuck you", "fuck you too",
   431    531   					"get fucked", "fuck off", "suck this",
   432    532   					"lick my clit", "lick my tits", "suck my clit",
   468    568   					"Insubordination will not be tolerated!",
   469    569   					"You'll hang for this!",
   470    570   					"Out of line!",
   471    571   					"You're out of line!",
   472    572   					"You're out of line, soldier!",
   473    573   					"Out of line, "+lowranks.sample+" "+user+"!",
   474    574   					"You're out of line, "+lowranks.sample+" "+user+"!"
          575  +				], :ranuir => [
          576  +					'uaste!',
          577  +					'des uastashte!',
          578  +					'des uasa me!',
          579  +					'tef desa veshe!',
          580  +					'eteffe des!',
          581  +					'tefo ve des!',
          582  +					'des surinto ve!',
          583  +					'eteffime des!',
          584  +					'des uasa mo se!',
          585  +					'des uastashto se!',
          586  +					'uasto ie!',
          587  +					'des uastashto ie!',
          588  +					'uastash!',
          589  +					'des she!',
          590  +					'des ie!',
          591  +					'uas ie!',
          592  +					'desi uas ie!',
          593  +					'uas desi evtegor rana!',
          594  +					'uas desi evtefime rana!',
          595  +					'des rantashto ve!',
          596  +					'des rantashto vo se!',
          597  +					'des rantashto vo ie!',
          598  +					'tef desa vesho ie!',
          599  +					'veshe tef e dale uas!',
          600  +					'tef vesho a uas dalo ie!',
          601  +					'vittashte des!',
          602  +					'vittashie des!',
          603  +					'cit a tef a shen veshe desit!',
          604  +					'uasa desdi fesash!',
          605  +					'des aftaranash!',
          606  +					'dim desat!',
          607  +					'desi dim randasit!',
          608  +					'desa avuenash!',
          609  +					'tef desa talo ve!',
          610  +					'tar desa talo ve!',
          611  +					'desit tar veshe!',
          612  +					'desi tar dalo ve!',
          613  +					'lahi narit desa risash!',
          614  +					'ris desat!',
          615  +					'mac desat!',
          616  +					'desa afmacanash!',
          617  +					'desa afsigrisanash!',
          618  +					'tahinar gatfori angatash tef veshes lata desi!',
          619  +					'suf risi desat!',
          620  +					'tahinte des!',
          621  +					'tahinie des!',
          622  +					'tahin tahinari!',
          623  +					'tahuen rana evtefime!',
          624  +					'des me tahuena!',
          625  +					'taha me des!'
   475    626   				]
          627  +
   476    628   			}
   477    629   			if param=scancmd(action,["meet","this is","these are",
   478    630   						"let me introduce you to","let me introduce",
   479    631   						"allow me to introduce you to",
   480    632   						"allow me to introduce",
   481    633   						"say hi to","say hello to",
   482    634   						"introduce yourself to"])
   492    644   					"get to meet you",
   493    645   					"make your acquaintance"
   494    646   				].sample+", "+param+(rand(2)==0 ? ". "+user+" has told me so much about you" : "")
   495    647   			elsif param=scancmd(action,["good night","night","gnight","g'night","i'm going to bed","going to bed","im going to bed", "bedtime", "time for bed", "it's my bedtime","its my bedtime","nighty-night"])
   496    648   				reply mult(["good night","night","sleep well","sleep tight","i wish you an enjoyable cycle of nocturnal hallucinations", "commencement of dormancy phase acknowledged"], ["", ", "+user, ", pesky flesh-creature", ", human", ", mortal"]).sample
   497    649   			elsif param=scancmd(action,["i don't care","it doesn't matter","don't care","idc","nevermind","never mind","nvm","i don't give a shit","i don't give a fuck", "does it look like i care"])
   498    650   				reply dontcare[formality].sample
   499         -			elsif param=scancmd(action,["fuck you","fuck off","go fuck yourself","get fucked","fu","get bent","diaf","die in a fire","screw you","you cunt","you bitch","you piece of shit","you scumbag","you sleazeball","you jackass","you asshole","you cockroach"])
          651  +			elsif param=scancmd(action,["fuck you","fuck off","go fuck yourself","get fucked","fu","get bent","diaf","die in a fire","screw you","you cunt","you bitch","you piece of shit","you scumbag","you sleazeball","you jackass","you asshole","you cockroach","des"])
   500    652   				reply insults[formality].sample
   501    653   			elsif param=scancmd(action,["thanks","thank you","i appreciate it", "ty", "thx", "obliged", "much obliged","appreciated","danke","gracias","merci","merci beaucoup","shukran","shukran jazeelan","asante","asante sana","arigatou","doumo arigatou", "ありがとう", "どうもありがとう", "どうもありがとうございます","شكران", "شكران جزيلاا"])
   502    654   				reply thankyou[formality].sample
   503    655   			elsif param=scancmd(action,["well done","good work","excellent work","good girl","nicely done","nice job","good job","perfect","you did well","excellent job","you did great","you did perfect","you did perfectly","wonderful","you did good","gj"])
   504    656   				reply goodgirl[formality].sample
   505    657   			elsif param=scancmd(action,["who are you","who do you think you are","who even are you","tell me who you are","tell us who you are","introduce yourself"])
   506    658   				reply whoareyou[formality].sample
   524    676   			end
   525    677   		else
   526    678   			if action==""
   527    679   				if formality == :friendly
   528    680   					reply (nulls[:friendly] + [
   529    681   						greeting+" yourself"
   530    682   					]).sample
          683  +				elsif formality == :ranuir
          684  +					reply (nulls[:ranuir] + [
          685  +						"a " + greeting + ['sanat','tilat','tamat'].sample
          686  +					]).sample
   531    687   				elsif formality == :formal
   532    688   						r = greeting
   533    689   						r[0]=r[0].upcase
   534    690   						reply r +", " + user + "."
   535    691   				elsif formality == :military
   536    692   					if lowrank
   537    693   						reply [