procgen  Check-in [93b72b5a88]

Comment:checkmate, athiests!
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SHA3-256: 93b72b5a88322a12a0f54ba2205500ab4f26eef0df6a95a1a307c975fcdf2978
User & Date: lexi on 2018-11-20 20:40:31
Other Links: manifest | tags
fix sam check-in: 44f5ce5d15 user: velartrill tags: trunk
checkmate, athiests! check-in: 93b72b5a88 user: lexi tags: trunk
add ranuir check-in: fc23f5bb6f user: lexi tags: trunk

Modified botsoc.scm from [6437b613b4] to [eea7ee34de].

    42     42   	("disease") 		("the bourgeoisie")
    43     43   	("crime")		("activism")			("Noam Chomsky")
    44     44   	("wealth")		("eugenics")		("bigotry")
    45     45   	("genocide")	("bitcoin")			("ethnic cleansing")
    46     46   	("vaccination")	("autism")			("the alt-right")
    47     47   	("authoritarianism") ("freedom of speech")
    48     48   	("tooth decay")	("neurodivergence")
    49         -	("abortion")	("healthcare")
           49  +	("abortion")	("healthcare")	("the war")
    50     50   	("islamophobia") ("sexting") ("static typing")
    51     51   	("dynamic typing") ("heterophobia") ("heterosexuality"))
    52     52   (rule (adjective)
    53     53   	("racist")			("homophobic")	("misogynist")
    54     54   	("bigoted")		("anti-" (thing))	("evil")
    55     55   	("insane")		("impossible")		("contradictory")
    56     56   	("illogical")		("revolutionary")	("self-contradictory")
   241    241   	((problem) " " (modal) " still exist")
   242    242   	((problem) " " (modal) " " (cause-provoke) " " (problem))
   243    243   	((problem) " " (modal) " " (cause-provoke) " the defeat of " i)
   244    244   	((problem) " cannot be distinguished from " i)
   245    245   	(i " and " (ideology) " cannot be distinguished")
   246    246   	(i " and " (ideology) " will produce the same result")
   247    247   
   248         -	((group) " " (modal) " be exploited")
          248  +	((group) " " (modal) " beaxploited")
   249    249   	((group) " " (modal) " still be exploited")
   250    250   	((group) " " (modal) " be exploited under " i)
   251    251   	((group) " " (modal) " still be exploited under " i)
   252    252   	((group) " " (modal) " face " (problem))
   253    253   	
   254    254   	(i " " (modal) " kill " (group))
   255    255   	
   309    309   	("since " (pc predicate i) ", " (pc claim i))
   310    310   	("as a result of " (problem) ", " (pc claim i))
   311    311   	("due to " (problem) ", " (pc claim i))
   312    312   	("despite what " (group) " think, " (pc claim i))
   313    313   	("despite what " (group) " think about " (problem) ", " (pc claim i))
   314    314   	("while " (group) " think " (pc claim i) ", the reality is that " (pc claim i))
   315    315   	)
   316         -	
   317         -(print (statement (ideology)) "\n")
          316  +
          317  +(rule (punct)
          318  +	  (".")		("…")		(" —")		(",")
          319  +	  (",")		("...")		(" -")		(" --")
          320  +	  ("?")		("!")		("!?")		(";"))
          321  +
          322  +(rule (end-punct)
          323  +	  (".")		("…")		("...")		("!")
          324  +	  ("?")		("!")		("!!"))
          325  +
          326  +(rule (atheists)
          327  +	  ("atheists") ("athiests"))
          328  +
          329  +(rule (checkmate-atheists i)
          330  +	  (i (punct) " checkmate, " (atheists) (end-punct))
          331  +	  (i (punct) " checkmate " (atheists) (end-punct))
          332  +	  (i (punct) " checkmate" (punct) " " (atheists) (end-punct))
          333  +	  (i (punct) " #checkmate" (atheists))
          334  +	  (i (punct) " #CheckmateAtheists")
          335  +	  (i (punct) " #CheckmateAthiests"))
          336  +
          337  +(define (checkmate-athiests i)
          338  +	(if (eqv? (random-integer 20) 0)
          339  +		(checkmate-atheists i) ; else
          340  +		i))
          341  +
          342  +(print (checkmate-athiests (statement (ideology))) "\n")

Modified procbot.rb from [a9347924e0] to [89ca62b13c].

     1      1   #!/usr/bin/ruby
     2      2   # encoding: UTF-8
     3      3   require "cinch"
     4      4   Bots = ["cclg", "sext", "sect", "order", "monster", "pharma", "argue","crime","drug","badbio","bottist","egret_txt", "babdio", "botsoc","dx","ransul"]
     6         -SmallMatch = /\b(ms\.|ms\s|sergeant\s|sgt\s|sgt\.|comrade\s|citizen\s)?\s*(samantha taggart|samantha tague|samantha|sam tague|sam taggart|samtague|sam|sammy|tague|taggart|(ね|)サム|(ね|)サムさん|(ね|)サムちゃん|سام|يا سام)\b/i
            6  +SmallMatch = /\b(ms\.|ms\s|sergeant\s|sgt\s|sgt\.|comrade\s|citizen\s)?\s*(samantha taggart|samantha tague|samantha|sam tague|sam taggart|samtague|sam|sammy|tague|taggart|friend computer|(ね|)サム|(ね|)サムさん|(ね|)サムちゃん|سام|يا سام)\b/i
     7      7   FormalQs = [
     8      8   	"How may I be of assistance",
     9      9   	"Yes",
    10     10   	"You rang",
    11     11   	"What can I do for you today",
    12     12   	"Yes",
    13     13   	"You rang",
    25     25   		c.user = "samtague"
    26     26   		c.realname = "samantha taggart"
    27     27   		#c.sasl.username = "sam-tague"
    28     28   		#c.sasl.password = "bott-ist-tot"
    29     29   		c.ssl.use = true
    30     30   	end
    31     31   
    32         -	on :message, /\b(ms\.|ms\s|sergeant\s|sgt\s|sgt\.|comrade\s|citizen\s)?\s*(samantha taggart|samantha tague|samantha|sam tague|sam taggart|samtague|sam|tague|taggart|(ね|)サム|(ね|)サムさん|(ね|)サムちゃん|سام|يا سام)\b/i do |m|
           32  +	on :message, /\b(ms\.|ms\s|sergeant\s|sgt\s|sgt\.|comrade\s|citizen\s)?\s*(samantha taggart|samantha tague|samantha|sam tague|sam taggart|samtague|sam|tague|taggart|friend computer|(ね|)サム|(ね|)サムさん|(ね|)サムちゃん|سام|يا سام)\b/i do |m|
    33     33   		
    34     34   		@m=m
    35     35   		@shouting = false
    36     36   		def reply(x)
    37     37   			if @shouting
    38     38   				@m.reply x.upcase
    39     39   			else
   642    642   				].sample+" to "+[
   643    643   					"meet you",
   644    644   					"get to meet you",
   645    645   					"make your acquaintance"
   646    646   				].sample+", "+param+(rand(2)==0 ? ". "+user+" has told me so much about you" : "")
   647    647   			elsif param=scancmd(action,["good night","night","gnight","g'night","i'm going to bed","going to bed","im going to bed", "bedtime", "time for bed", "it's my bedtime","its my bedtime","nighty-night"])
   648    648   				reply mult(["good night","night","sleep well","sleep tight","i wish you an enjoyable cycle of nocturnal hallucinations", "commencement of dormancy phase acknowledged"], ["", ", "+user, ", pesky flesh-creature", ", human", ", mortal"]).sample
   649         -			elsif param=scancmd(action,["i don't care","it doesn't matter","don't care","idc","nevermind","never mind","nvm","i don't give a shit","i don't give a fuck", "does it look like i care"])
          649  +			elsif param=scancmd(action,["i don't care","it doesn't matter","don't care","idc","nevermind","never mind","nvm","i don't give a shit","i don't give a fuck", "does it look like i care","maso ve","resho ve","resh dalo ve"])
   650    650   				reply dontcare[formality].sample
   651    651   			elsif param=scancmd(action,["fuck you","fuck off","go fuck yourself","get fucked","fu","get bent","diaf","die in a fire","screw you","you cunt","you bitch","you piece of shit","you scumbag","you sleazeball","you jackass","you asshole","you cockroach","des"])
   652    652   				reply insults[formality].sample
   653    653   			elsif param=scancmd(action,["thanks","thank you","i appreciate it", "ty", "thx", "obliged", "much obliged","appreciated","danke","gracias","merci","merci beaucoup","shukran","shukran jazeelan","asante","asante sana","arigatou","doumo arigatou", "ありがとう", "どうもありがとう", "どうもありがとうございます","شكران", "شكران جزيلاا"])
   654    654   				reply thankyou[formality].sample
   655    655   			elsif param=scancmd(action,["well done","good work","excellent work","good girl","nicely done","nice job","good job","perfect","you did well","excellent job","you did great","you did perfect","you did perfectly","wonderful","you did good","gj"])
   656    656   				reply goodgirl[formality].sample
   703    703   				if formality == :military and lowrank
   704    704   					reply negatives[formality].sample
   705    705   					return
   706    706   				end
   707    707   				result=perform(action, user)
   708    708   				r=""
   709    709   				if result != nil
   710         -					result[0] = result[0].upcase if formality != :friendly
          710  +					result[0] = result[0].upcase if formality != :friendly and formality != :ranuir
   711    711   					r=affirmatives[formality].sample
   712    712   					result.chomp!
   713    713   					result += "." if not result=~/\W$/
   714    714   					reply r+" "+result
   715    715   				else
   716    716   					reply negatives[formality].sample
   717    717   				end