procgen  Check-in [92ed9358a3]

Comment:modernize botsoc
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SHA3-256: 92ed9358a3f50dc420ba5f69eca9cdd218f1cf8e6425bd71eac9ee6c9a5ec8ae
User & Date: lexi on 2022-09-21 01:40:00
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excise dumb old ##hashtag inside joke check-in: b3aefdaa1e user: lexi tags: trunk
modernize botsoc check-in: 92ed9358a3 user: lexi tags: trunk
$100 will make me extremely more racist check-in: ca1d956dff user: lexi tags: trunk

Modified botsoc.scm from [06502ccea6] to [f9854d5e34].

    14     14   	("onanism")		("anthropology") ("authoritarianism")
    15     15   	("totalitarianism")	("social justice")	("identity politics")
    16     16   	("idpol")				("terrorism")		("islamism")
    17     17   	("hedonism")		("libertinism")		("computer science")
    18     18   	("transhumanism")	("posthumanism")	("humanism")
    19     19   	("humanitarianism") ("racism")
    20     20   	("libertarianism");	("static typing")	("dynamic typing")
    21         -	("neoliberalism"))
           21  +	("neoliberalism") ("banderism"))
    22     22   (rule (ideology-prefix)
    23     23   	("neo-")		("social ")	("democratic ")
    24     24   	("paleo-")	("retro-")	("anarcho-")
    25     25   	("femino-")	("neo")		("anti-")
    26     26   	("sado-")	("eroto-")	("strangulo-")
    27     27   	("theo-")	("ultra-")	("arachno-")
    28     28   	("anti")		("post-") 	("post")
    29     29   	("ethno-")	("marxism-") ("left-")
    30     30   	("alt-")	("right-") ("space ") ("gay ")
    31         -	("quantum ") ("racial "))
           31  +	("quantum ") ("racial ") ("corona"))
    32     32   (rule (ideology)
    33     33   	((base-ideology))
    34     34   	((adjective) " " (ideology))
    35     35   	((ideology-prefix) (base-ideology)))
    36     36   (rule (problem)
    37     37   	("poverty")		("hunger")			("hatred")
    38     38   	("racism")		("mortality")		("misogyny")
    49     49   	("genocide")	("bitcoin")			("ethnic cleansing")
    50     50   	("vaccination")	("autism")			("the alt-right")
    51     51   	("authoritarianism") ("freedom of speech")
    52     52   	("tooth decay")	("neurodivergence")
    53     53   	("abortion")	("healthcare")	("the war")
    54     54   	("islamophobia") ("sexting") ; ("static typing") ("dynamic typing") 
    55     55   	("apotheosis") ("theodicy") ("the problem of evil")
    56         -	("heterophobia") ("heterosexuality") ("Crooked Hillary"))
           56  +	("heterophobia") ("heterosexuality") ("Crooked Hillary")
           57  +	("COVID") ("the novel coronavirus") ("the Ukraine")
           58  +	("the vax") ("the vaccine"))
    57     59   (rule (adjective)
    58     60   	("racist")		("homophobic")		("misogynist")
    59     61   	("bigoted")		("anti-" (thing))	("evil")
    60     62   	("insane")		("impossible")		("contradictory")
    61     63   	("illogical")	("revolutionary")	("self-contradictory")
    62     64   	("white")		("communist")		("socialist")
    63     65   	("marxist")		("stalinist")		("lesbian")
    75     77   	("emergent")	("libertarian")		("unreconstructed")
    76     78   	("teenage")		("Lacanian")		("intersectional")
    77     79   	("horny")		("thirsty")			("necessary")
    78     80   	("forbidden")	("electronic"))
    79     81   
    80     82   (rule (action)
    81     83   	("live") ("die") ("breathe") ("hope") ("speak freely")
    82         -	("survive" (problem)) ("kill " (group)) ("destroy " (thingss))
           84  +	("survive " (problem)) ("kill " (group)) ("destroy " (thingss))
    83     85   	("use " (thingss)) ("steal " (things)) ("murder " (group))
    84     86   	("create " (thingss)) ("build " (thingss)) ("make " (things))
    85     87   	("labor") ("work") ("exploit " (group)) ("produce " (things))
    86     88   	("undermine " (thing)) ("overthrow " (group)) ("be free of "(thingss))
    87     89   	("have " (one-of "money" "bodies" "homes" "food" (thingss)))
    88     90   	("exploit " (group) " for cheap labor") ("perform sorcery")
    89     91   	("perform augury") ("see the future") ("prophesy")
    90     92   	("enchant " (things)) ("perform wizardry") ("engage in witchcraft")
    91     93   	("have sex") ("fuck" (: ((group)))) ("own " (thingss))
    92         -	("declare war") ("deprive " (group) " of " (necessity)))
           94  +	("declare war")  ("deprive " (group) " of " (necessity))
           95  +	((one-of "spread" "propagate" "disperse" "circulate"
           96  +			 "produce" "induce" "trigger" "worsen"
           97  +			 "exacerbate" "ameliorate" "fight" "fight for"
           98  +			 "struggle against" "solve" "finally solve") " " (problem))
           99  +	("protect " (group) " from " (one-of (group) (problem)))
          100  +)
    93    101   
    94    102   (rule (trait)
    95    103   	("power") ("influence") ("wealth") ("solidarity")
    96    104   	("hope") ("conviction") ("autonomy") ("freedom")
    97    105   	("liberty") ("faith") ("humanity") ("sapience")
    98    106   	("purity") ("flesh purity") ("racial purity"))
    99    107   
   101    109   	("sex") ("water") ("food") ("money") 
   102    110   	("wealth") ("income") ("welfare") ("tea")
   103    111   	("therapy") ("pain relief") ("medical care")
   104    112   	("medicine") ("reproduction") ("hope") ("faith")
   105    113   	("love") ("pain") ("love") ("oxygen") ("nutrition")
   106    114   	("racial hygiene"))
   107    115   
          116  +(rule (country)
          117  +	  ("Germany") ("Austria") ("Denmark") ("America") ("the United States")
          118  +	  ("Finland") ("Serbia") ("Lithuania") ("Norway") ("Donetsk")
          119  +	  ("Lugansk") ("Russia") ("Jamaica") ("Venezuela") ("Cuba")
          120  +	  ("Antarctica") ("Saudi Arabia")
          121  +  )
          122  +(rule (city)
          123  +	  ("Seattle") ("Berlin") ("Oslo") ("Brussels") ("Paris") ("Moscow")
          124  +	  ("Cleveland")
          125  +  )
          126  +(rule (state)
          127  +	  ("Alabama") ("Texas") ("Georgia") ("Washington") ("Oregon")
          128  +	  ("Utah") ("Nebraska") ("Oklahoma") ("Arizona") ("Florida")
          129  +	  ("Arkansas") ("Alaska"))
          130  +(rule (place)
          131  +	  ((country)) ((city)) ((state)) ("Heaven") ("the North Pole"))
          132  +
   108    133   (rule (thing)
   109    134   	((problem)) ((necessity))	("Russia")	("Mars")
   110    135   	("activism")
   111    136   	((thing) " activism") ("anti-" (thing) " activism")
   112    137   	((adjective) " activism") ("bitcoin") ("humanity")
   113    138   	("vaccination") ("autism") ("medical care")
   114    139   	((adjective) " power") ((adjective) " policy")
   115    140   	((adjective) " politics")
   116    141   	("transit") ("public transit") ("public transportation")
   117    142   	("meth") ("heroin") ("dialectics") ("the dialectic")
   118    143   	("the Discourse") ("medical care") ("psychiatry")
   119    144   	("influenza") ("alien life") ("mind control")
   120    145   	("terrorism") ("identity") ("healthcare")
   121    146   	 ("literature") ("grass") ("catnip") ("virginity")
   122         -	("television") ("romance") ("finance") 
          147  +	("television") ("romance") ("finance")
   123    148   	("opium") ("law") ("dating") ("online dating") ("friendship")
   124    149   	("the Resistance") ("the Manosphere") ("race") ("Qanon"))
   125    150   
   126    151   (rule (things)
   127    152   	("pandas")	("lasers")	("toasters")
   128    153   	("kulaks")	("opiates") ("painkillers")
   129         -	("teacups")	("umbrellas") ((thing) " rights")
          154  +	("teacups")	("umbrellas") ((thing) (one-of "'s" "") " rights")
   130    155   	((adjective) " rights") (group)
   131         -	("humans") ("vaccines")
          156  +	("humans") ("vaccines") ("slugs")
   132    157   	("doctors") ("drugs") ("hospitals") ("UFOs") ("aliens")
   133    158   	("flowers") ("pumpkins") ("guns") ("babies")
   134    159   	("friends") ("bitcoins"))
   135    160   
   136    161   (rule (thingss)
   137    162   	((thing)) ((things)))
   138    163   	
   139    164   (rule (group)
   140         -	("gays")		("whites")				("African-Americans")	
   141         -	("the poor")	("the rich")			("Jewish people")
          165  +	((group) " from " (place))
          166  +	("gays")		("whites")				("African-Americans") ("blacks")
          167  +	("the poor")	("the rich")			("Jewish people") ("Jews") ("the Jews")
   142    168   	("natives")		("otherkin")			("psychics")
   143    169   	("furries")		("immigrants")			("trans people")
   144    170   	("men")			("women")				("the bourgeoisie")
   145    171   	("boys")		("girls")				("the proletariat")
   146    172   	("activists")	("stirnerites")			("proletarians")
   147    173   	("extremists")	((thing) " extremists") ((thing) " activists")
   148    174   	("addicts")		("junkies")				("tweakers")
   156    182   	("lizards")		("bureaucrats")			("politicians")
   157    183   	("catholics")	("methodists")			("mormons")
   158    184   	("kulaks")		("slaves")				("human trafficking victims")
   159    185   	("victims")		("crime victims")		("victims of " (problem))
   160    186   	("losers")		("thieves")				("queer people")
   161    187   	("queers")		("senators")			("presidents")
   162    188   	("queens")		("kings")				("emperors")
   163         -	("aliens")		("racists")
          189  +	("aliens")		("racists")				("Chinese human rights defenders")
          190  +	("Uyghurs")		("angloids")			("barbaric asiatics")
          191  +	("patriots")	("astronauts")			("cosmonauts")
          192  +	("taikonauts")	("drug dealers")		("experts")
          193  +	("analysts")
   164    194   	((thing) " activists") ("anti-" (adjective) " activists")
   165         -	((ideology) " activists") ((adjective) " activists"))
   166         -	
          195  +	((ideology) " activists") ((adjective) " activists")
          196  +	("those who desire to " (action))
          197  +	("those who believe in " (ideology))
          198  +	("those who "
          199  +	 (one-of "believe" "think") " " (one-of "" "that ")
          200  +	 (predicate-or-claim (thing)))
          201  +	("defenders of " (thing))
          202  +	("advocates for " (thing))
          203  +	("people from " (place))
          204  +	((thing) " experts")
          205  +	((problem) " experts")
          206  +	((problem) " analysts")
          207  +)
   167    208   ; utility fns
   168    209   (rule (adjfor adj con g)
   169    210   	(adj)
   170    211   	(adj con g))
   171    212   (rule (modal)
   172    213   	("will") ("could") ("might") ("will likely") ("can") ("must")
   173    214   	("surely will")	("undoubtedly will") ("may") ("should"))
   231    272   					   "perpetuates the alienation of"
   232    273   					   "perpetuates the marginalization of"
   233    274   					   "perpetuates the dehumanizationn of") " " (group))
   234    275   
   235    276   		(i " pathologizes " (problem))
   236    277   		(i " pathologizes " (thingss))
   237    278   		(i " " (modal) " deny " (group) " access to " (thingss))
          279  +
          280  +		(i " has " (one-of
          281  +					 "destroyed"
          282  +					 "worsened"
          283  +					 "exacerbated"
          284  +					 "greatly exacerbated") " " (thingss))
          285  +		(i " has caused immense suffering to " (group))
   238    286   	
   239         -		((group) " are " (? "not ") (? "actually ") (@ (adjective)
   240         -													   (group)))
          287  +		((group) " are " (? "not ") (? "actually ") (one-of (adjective)
          288  +													        (group)))
   241    289   		
   242    290   		((thing) " " (causes-provokes) " " (thingss))
   243    291   		((things) " " (cause-provoke) " " (thingss))
   244    292   		((thingss) " " (modal) " cause " (problem))
   245    293   		(i " " (causes-provokes) " " (problem))
   246    294   		(i " " (modal) " cause " (problem))
   247    295   		
   265    313   							"deal with "
   266    314   							"cope with "
   267    315   							"handle "
   268    316   							"offer a solution for ")
   269    317   					(one-of "" "the issues posed by " "the problem of ")
   270    318   					(problem))
   271    319   		("basically, " (predicate-or-claim i))
          320  +
          321  +		("there is no place for " i " in " (thing))
          322  +		((group) " " (modal) " be deported to " (place))
   272    323   			
   273    324   	)
   274    325   (rule (predicate i)
   275    326   	(i " was "  (one-of "created"
   276    327   						"developed"
   277    328   						"designed") " "
   278    329   	   				(@ ((one-of "after"