procgen  procbot.rb at [b3aefdaa1e]

File procbot.rb artifact 0ff16ef99e part of check-in b3aefdaa1e

#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# encoding: UTF-8
require "cinch"
Bots = ["cclg", "sext", "sect", "order", "monster", "pharma", "argue","crime","drug","badbio","bottist","egret_txt", "babdio", "botsoc","dx","ransul"]
SmallMatch = /\b(ms\.|ms\s|sergeant\s|sgt\s|sgt\.|comrade\s|citizen\s)?\s*(samantha taggart|samantha tague|samantha|sam tague|sam taggart|samtague|sam|sammy|tague|taggart|friend computer|(ね|)サム|(ね|)サムさん|(ね|)サムちゃん|سام|يا سام)\b/i
FormalQs = [
	"How may I be of assistance",
	"You rang",
	"What can I do for you today",
	"You rang",
def mult(a,b){|bi|{|ai| ai+bi}}.flatten
$lastcmd = ""
bot = do
	configure do |c|
		c.server = ""
		c.port = 6697
		c.channels = ["#crimehole"]
		c.nick = "samtague"
		c.user = "samtague"
		c.realname = "samantha taggart"
		#c.sasl.username = "sam-tague"
		#c.sasl.password = "bott-ist-tot"
		c.ssl.use = true

	on :message, /\b(ms\.|ms\s|sergeant\s|sgt\s|sgt\.|comrade\s|citizen\s)?\s*(samantha taggart|samantha tague|samantha|sam tague|sam taggart|samtague|sam|tague|taggart|friend computer|(ね|)サム|(ね|)サムさん|(ね|)サムちゃん|سام|يا سام)\b/i do |m|
		@shouting = false
		def reply(x)
			if @shouting
				@m.reply x.upcase
				@m.reply x
		formality = :friendly
		msg = m.params[1]
		if par = ShoutingMatch.match(msg)
			@shouting = true
		elsif par = SmallMatch.match(msg)
			@shouting = false
		ranks = {
			"velartrill" => ["Admiral", "Admiral Hale"].sample,
			"mtp" => "General",
			"^alex" => "General",
			"caurinus" => "Captain",
			"Riking" => "Lieutenant"
		lowranks = [ "Corporal", "Private", "Trooper" ]
		user = m.user.nick
		if ranks.include?(user)
		end! {|x| x.strip}

		if cmd[1] == "ms" or cmd[1] == "ms."
			formality = :formal
			name = cmd[2].downcase
			action = cmd[3].downcase
		elsif cmd[1] == "sergeant" or cmd[1]=="sgt" or cmd[1]=="sgt."
			formality = :military
			name = cmd[2].downcase
			action = cmd[3]
		elsif cmd[1] == "comrade" or cmd[1]=="citizen"
			formality = :ranuir
			name = cmd[2].downcase
			action = cmd[3]
			formality = :friendly
			name = cmd[1].downcase
			action = cmd[2]
		if action == ""
			action = cmd[0].downcase
			greeting = ""
			greeting = cmd[0].downcase

		greetings = ["hey", "hi", "yo", "hello","hey there","hi there","yo there","heya","what up","oh shit","aw yeah","ahlan","hujambo","اهلن", "你好","morning","evening","afternoon","good morning","good evening","good afternoon", "buenos días", "buenos dias", "buenos tardes", "bonjour", "ciao", "bonsoir", "howdy", "lif a til", "sil a iur", "s'aiur", "sosh a tur"]
		if greetings.include?(action.sub(/^\W*/,'').sub(/\W*$/,''))
			greeting = action
			action = ""
		lowrank = false
		if formality == :military
			if action != ""
				if action.sub!(/^sir\b/i,'') or action.sub!(/\bsir$/i,'') 
					rank = lowranks.sample
					lowrank = true
		nulls = {
			:friendly => [
				"that's my name, don't wear it out",
				"what's up?",
				greetings.sample+", "+user,
				"what's going on?"
			:formal => {|x| x+"?"} + {|x| x+", "+user+"?"},
			:military => lowrank ? [
				"Report, soldier!",
				"Stand down, " + rank + "!",
				"Hold your horses, " + rank + "!",
				rank + " " + user + "! Report!",
			] : [
				"What's the situation, sir?",
				"What's the situation, "+rank+"?",
			:ranuir => [
				'hal masenan?',
				'hal mase?',
				'masin halte?',
				'an dale',
				'hala pere?',
				'hala perenan?',
				'hali iufit an sana rigaste?',
				'an sana rigastenan?',
				'an sana rigaftenan?',
				'hal sana geshenan?',
				'gesh dalenan?',
				'halit gesh dale?',
				'sil a iur',

		affirmatives = {
			:friendly => [
				"sure thing.",
				"no problem.",
				"no worries.",
				"will do.",
			:formal => [
				"Of course.",
				"Right away.",
				"At once.",
				"As you wish.",
				"Pleased to assist.",
				"At your command."
			:military => [
				"Sir yes sir!",
				"Roger that!",
				"Roger that, sir!",
				"Wilco, sir!",
				"Wilco, "+rank+"!",
				"Roger, " +rank+"!",
			:ranuir => [
				"elen vinesh.",
				"hante, surin.",
				"han, surin.",
				"coshvin, san."
		def scancmd(x,strs)
			strs.each { |str|
				return "" if x==str
				if x.start_with?(str)
					return x[str.length+1,x.length]
			return false
		def perform(x,user)
			y=x.split(" ",2)
			if Bots.include?(y[0].downcase)
				$lastcmd = x
				msg = ""
				bot = "./"+y[0].downcase
				IO.popen(y.length == 2 ? [bot, y[1]] : bot) { |pd|
					msg =
				return msg
			elsif scancmd(x,["what do you think","what are you thinking about","penny for your thoughts","what's your opinion","opinions"])
				return perform("botsoc",user)
			elsif scancmd(x,["again", "make another", "do another", "tell another", "make us another", "encore", "more", "do that again", "once more" "one more time", "do it again", "play it again"])
				if $lastcmd != "" then
					return perform($lastcmd,user)
					return nil
			elsif bot=scancmd(x,
				(mult((mult ["give","tell","make","invent","find","i want","we want","i'd like","we'd like","can i have","can we have","can i get","can we get","create","let's get","let's have","let's hear","lemme have","let me have", "ianim", "ianaste", "ianafte", "ianash"], [""," me", " us", "ani dasit", "anari dasit"]) +
					["make up", "come up with","do","how about","maybe"], [""," a", " an", " a new", " another", " more", " some", " some more"])+
					["more","another","a","a new","an","some"]).reverse)
					# this is the worst thing i have ever done
					# i am so sorry
				case bot
					when "crime", "crimes", "felony", "felonies"
						return perform("crime",user)
					when "word", "term", "weird word", "long word", "jargon", "obscure word",
						"words", "terms", "weird words", "long words", "obscure words"
						return perform("cclg",user)
					when "rantash", "name", "ranuir name", "sul", "sula", "sul rani", "sula rani", "sul surini", "sula surini", "sul rantashi", "sula rantashi", "citizen", "comrade"
						return perform("ransul",user)
					when "monster", "beast", "monsters", "beasts"
						return perform("monster",user)
					when "drug", "drugs","street drug","street drugs"
						return perform("drug",user)
					when "pill", "pills", "pharmaceutical", "pharmaceuticals", "legal drug", "legal drugs"
						return perform("pharma",user)
					when "bad bio", "bad bios", "bad twitter bio", "bad twitter bios"
						return perform("badbio",user)
					when "order", "orders", "my orders", "our orders", "our marching orders","plan of action","our plan of action","our strategy","strategy"
						return perform("order",user)
					when "sect", "cult", "sects", "cults"
						return perform("sect",user)
					when "sext"
						return perform("sext",user)
					when "argument", "arguments", "fight", "fights"
						return perform("argue",user)
					when "ideology", "anarchism", "politics", "belief", "creed", "joke"
						return perform("bottist",user)
					when "verse", "ominous statement", "line", "prophecy"
						return perform("egret_txt",user)
					when "analysis", "opinion", "opine"
						return perform("botsoc",user)
					when "diagnosis", "dx"
						return perform("dx",user)
			elsif bot=scancmd(x,["fight with","fight"])
				$lastcmd = x
				return perform("argue",user)
				return nil
		negatives = {
			:friendly => [
				"no can do",
				"sorry, not happening",
				"i don't know how",
				"i'm confused",
				"what are you asking me to do",
				"um, no?",
				"um, no??",
				"that's fucked up",
				"isn't that a little problematic",
				"what do you mean",
				"that doesn't make any sense",
				"i don't understand",
				"what are you talking about",
				"what's going on",
				"what's going on?",
				"im scared",
				"i'm scared",
				"calm down " + user,
				"what are you talking about, " + user,
				"i never understand what "+user+" is on about",
				"im dying",
				"okay but why",
				"okay but how",
				"who do i need to kill",
				"don't make me come over there",
				"oh really",
				"i won't",
				"you can't make me",
				"try and make me",
				"not happening",
				"not gonna happen",
				"did you really think that would work",
				"did you really think that would work, " + user,
				"did you really think you'd get away with that",
				"did you really think you'd get away with that, " + user
			:formal => [
				"I'm afraid I can't do that.",
				"I'm afraid that won't be possible.",
				"That won't be possible.",
				"No can do, I'm afraid.",
				"I don't think I can help you with that.",
				"I'm sorry to report that is beyond my capabilities at present.",
				"I don't think I can do that, I'm sorry to say.",
				"Goodness! I would never dream of such a thing.",
				"Certainly not! I have a reputation to think of.",
				"Could you rephrase that?",
				"I'm sorry, I don't think I understand"
			:military => lowrank ? [
				"Not happening, "+rank+"!",
				"Don't even think about it, "+rank+"!",
				"Do I look like I was born yesterday, "+rank+"!",
				"Not happening, "+rank+" "+user+"!",
				"Don't even think about it, "+rank+" "+user+"!",
				"Do I look like I was born yesterday, "+rank+" "+user+"!",
				"Drop and give me twenty!",
				"That's it, you're on KP duty!",
				"No backtalk, maggots!"
			] : [
				"Negative, sir.",
				"Cannot comply, sir.",
				"Not possible, "+rank+".",
				"Negative, sir, we're pinned down!",
				"We don't have the troops for that, "+rank+"!",
				"Sorry, sir, there's nothing I can do."
			:ranuir => [
				"lahi narit elena risesh e masi rih elena talo ve",
				"elen riho ve",
				"riho ve",
				"masa vesh",
				"masasto ve",
				"elen vinasto ve",
				"vini rih elena talo ve",
				"vina riho ve",
				"masa vinasto ve",
				"elen masa vinasto ve"
		whoareyou = {
			:friendly => [
				"i'm sam!",
				"i'm sam tague!",
				"samantha taggart",
				"ash's sister",
				"ash's little sister",
				"ash's younger sister"
			], :formal => [
				"I am Samantha Taggart.",
				"My name is Samantha Taggart.",
				"Taggart. Samantha Taggart.",
				"The name is Samantha Taggart.",
				"The name is Taggart.",
				"Samantha Taggart, esquire."
			], :military => [
				"Sergeant Samantha Taggart reporting for duty, sir!",
				"Sergeant First Class Sam Taggart, sir!",
				"Sergeant Taggart, sir.",
				"Sergeant Taggart, sir. The boys call me Tague.",
				"Sergeant Taggart, sir. But you can call me Sam.",
				"Sergeant Taggart, sir. Call me Sam."
			], :ranuir => [
				'an Sama varlaste',
				'an Sam aste',
				'an Sam sa sule',
				'ani sul Sam aste',
				'an Sama sule',
				'Samtag-varlas ante',
				'Sam ante',
				'Sam-varlas ante',
				'an Sama sule na varlasa lase',
				'an Sama sule na varlaste',
				'ran ana Samma afsule'
		goodgirl = {
			:friendly => [
				"^_^", ":)",
				"you're sweet",
				"just doing my job!",
				"that's really nice of you",
				"aw, do you mean it?",
				"aw, really?",
				"thank you!",
			], :formal => [
				"Of course. I aim to please.",
				"Happy to be of service.",
				"Just doing my job.",
				"It's my pleasure.",
				"I'm just glad I can be of service.",
				"You're too kind.",
				"You're far too kind.",
				"That's very kind of you.",
				"Why, thank you!",
				"It's good to feel appreciated.",
				"It's always good to feel appreciated.",
			], :military => [
				"Yes, sir!",
				"Sir, yes, sir!",
				"Roger that, sir!",
				"Thank you, sir!",
				"You're not so bad yourself, sir.",
				"Thank you, sir. And may I just say - it's been a pleasure serving under you, sir.",
				"Godspeed, sir!"
			], :ranuir => [
				'tamit elen tare',
				'tilit elen tare',
				'sanit elen tare',
				'san shena me',
				'sanit elen tare, san shena me',
				'vin pelte',
				'vin pelte, san',
				'sana vines ien pelte',
				'sana vines ien elena afpele'
		dontcare = {
			:friendly => [
				"well you should care",
				"why not",
				"why don't you care",
				"you should care",
				"this matters, " + user,
				"then you don't understand",
				"caring is cool",
				"caring is cool tho"
			], :formal => [
				"May I submit that you should, in fact, care?",
				"I do not believe you appreciate the import of this matter.",
				"This is more important than you realize.",
				"I hope you will reconsider.",
				"Apathy helps no one.",
				"Apathy solves nothing.",
				"Your apathy is shameful."
			], :military => lowrank ? [
				"Didn't your momma ever tell you caring is cool, soldier?",
				"Don't give me that, "+lowranks.sample+"!",
				"Drop and give me twenty, you apathetic worm!",
				"You don't care? I don't care that you don't care! Drop and give me twenty!",
				"No backtalk!"
			] : [
				"With all due respect, sir, caring is cool, sir!",
				rank+", sir, I urgently request that you consider your position, sir!",
				"Sir, with all due respect, I believe you are mistaken as to the importance of the situation, sir.",
				"Sir, this situation is rapidly spiraling out of control.",
				"But "+rank+", this situation is rapidly spiraling out of control."
			], :ranuir => [
				'e mase',
				'vido she',
				'e, vido she',
				'vido ves ien uasa me',
				'reshes ien tefa me',
				'resho ves ienit des uasa me',
				'resho ves ienit des uastashte',
				'masin uasa me',
				'tefo ve',
				'masin tefo ve',
				'masi ienit des tefo ve',
				'masi ienit des uasa me',
				'masi ienit des uastashte',
				'des rishis ien tefa me',
				'des risho ves ien uasa me',
		thankyou = {
			:friendly => (mult ["np","no worries","sure thing","sure","ofc","of course","glad to help","don't worry about it","just glad to help","no problem","you got it"], ["", "!", "."]),
			:formal => [
				"You're welcome.",
				"You're very welcome.",
				"It was no trouble.",
				"It was no trouble at all.",
				"It was a pleasure.",
				"It was a pleasure, truly.",
				"It was my honor.",
				"I'm pleased to be of service.",
				"Pleased to be of service.",
				"Of course.",
				"Don't mention it.",
				"Oh, don't mention it."
			], :military => [
				"No thanks necessary, sir!",
				"Just doing my job, sir.",
				"It's what they pay me for, sir.",
				"Sir, yes, sir!"
			], :ranuir => [
				"tamit elen tare",
				"tamit val tare",
				"sanit elen tare",
				"ashit val tare",
				"rig pelte",
				"asha riges ien pelte",
				"asha riges ien vala afpele",
				"sav citte",
				"sav valari citte"

		insults = {
				:friendly => [
					"i don't like you either, pal",
					"fuck you", "fuck you too",
					"get fucked", "fuck off", "suck this",
					"lick my clit", "lick my tits", "suck my clit",
					"suck my tits", "i'm gonna fuck you up",
					"big talk coming from you, "+user,
					"you're on my list now, "+user,
					"go fuck yourself",
					"i'll remember this",
					"do you kiss your momma with that mouth?",
					"die in a fire","get bent","go to hell",
					"wow rude", "chill out", "take a chill pill",
					"you need to calm down", "lmao",
					"get bent", "does it look like i give a fuck what you think about me",
					"you're problematic", "hey everyone "+user+" sucks donkey balls",
					"hey everyone "+user+" jacks off to schwarzenegger movies",
					"hey everyone "+user+" killed JFK",
					"hey everyone "+user+"'s actually just hundreds of lizards dressed up like a person",
					"hey everyone "+user+" uses diphenhydramine recreationally",
					"meanie", "why are you like this", "take that back",
					"you take that back", "you take that back right now",
					"you hurt my feelings", "don't hurt my feelings like that",
					"i thought we were friends!!", "you're a horrible person, "+user,
					"please stop being mean to me", "why are you so cruel"
				], :formal => [
					"How rude!", "Goodness!", "Goodness, how rude!", "Goodness gracious!",
					"You would do well to treat your betters with more respect than that.",
					"You've made an enemy today, "+user+".", "I won't tolerate such language!",
					"I won't tolerate such disrespect!",
					"I'm sorry, I was unaware my duties would include babysitting today!",
					"Please show yourself out.", "Your services will no longer be required.",
					"This is hardly the place for such infantile behavior.",
					"Why must you be like this?", "Unacceptable!",
					"Goodness gracious, why must you be like this?"
				], :military => [
					"What the hell did you just say to me, maggot?",
					"I'll have you flogged for this!",
					"You got an awful big mouth on you, "+lowranks.sample+". Let's see you wash the floor with it!",
					"Insubordination will not be tolerated!",
					"You'll hang for this!",
					"Out of line!",
					"You're out of line!",
					"You're out of line, soldier!",
					"Out of line, "+lowranks.sample+" "+user+"!",
					"You're out of line, "+lowranks.sample+" "+user+"!"
				], :ranuir => [
					'des uastashte!',
					'des uasa me!',
					'tef desa veshe!',
					'eteffe des!',
					'tefo ve des!',
					'des surinto ve!',
					'eteffime des!',
					'des uasa mo se!',
					'des uastashto se!',
					'uasto ie!',
					'des uastashto ie!',
					'des she!',
					'des ie!',
					'uas ie!',
					'desi uas ie!',
					'uas desi evtegor rana!',
					'uas desi evtefime rana!',
					'des rantashto ve!',
					'des rantashto vo se!',
					'des rantashto vo ie!',
					'tef desa vesho ie!',
					'veshe tef e dale uas!',
					'tef vesho a uas dalo ie!',
					'vittashte des!',
					'vittashie des!',
					'cit a tef a shen veshe desit!',
					'uasa desdi fesash!',
					'des aftaranash!',
					'dim desat!',
					'desi dim randasit!',
					'desa avuenash!',
					'tef desa talo ve!',
					'tar desa talo ve!',
					'desit tar veshe!',
					'desi tar dalo ve!',
					'lahi narit desa risash!',
					'ris desat!',
					'mac desat!',
					'desa afmacanash!',
					'desa afsigrisanash!',
					'tahinar gatfori angatash tef veshes lata desi!',
					'suf risi desat!',
					'tahinte des!',
					'tahinie des!',
					'tahin tahinari!',
					'tahuen rana evtefime!',
					'des me tahuena!',
					'taha me des!'

			if param=scancmd(action,["meet","this is","these are",
						"let me introduce you to","let me introduce",
						"allow me to introduce you to",
						"allow me to introduce",
						"say hi to","say hello to",
						"introduce yourself to"])
				reply [
					"i'm so happy",
					"i'm so glad",
					"it's so nice",
					"it's so good"
				].sample+" to "+[
					"meet you",
					"get to meet you",
					"make your acquaintance"
				].sample+", "+param+(rand(2)==0 ? ". "+user+" has told me so much about you" : "")
			elsif param=scancmd(action,["good night","night","gnight","g'night","i'm going to bed","going to bed","im going to bed", "bedtime", "time for bed", "it's my bedtime","its my bedtime","nighty-night"])
				reply mult(["good night","night","sleep well","sleep tight","i wish you an enjoyable cycle of nocturnal hallucinations", "commencement of dormancy phase acknowledged"], ["", ", "+user, ", pesky flesh-creature", ", human", ", mortal"]).sample
			elsif param=scancmd(action,["i don't care","it doesn't matter","don't care","idc","nevermind","never mind","nvm","i don't give a shit","i don't give a fuck", "does it look like i care","maso ve","resho ve","resh dalo ve"])
				reply dontcare[formality].sample
			elsif param=scancmd(action,["fuck you","fuck off","go fuck yourself","get fucked","fu","get bent","diaf","die in a fire","screw you","you cunt","you bitch","you piece of shit","you scumbag","you sleazeball","you jackass","you asshole","you cockroach","des"])
				reply insults[formality].sample
			elsif param=scancmd(action,["thanks","thank you","i appreciate it", "ty", "thx", "obliged", "much obliged","appreciated","danke","gracias","merci","merci beaucoup","shukran","shukran jazeelan","asante","asante sana","arigatou","doumo arigatou", "ありがとう", "どうもありがとう", "どうもありがとうございます","شكران", "شكران جزيلاا"])
				reply thankyou[formality].sample
			elsif param=scancmd(action,["well done","good work","excellent work","good girl","nicely done","nice job","good job","perfect","you did well","excellent job","you did great","you did perfect","you did perfectly","wonderful","you did good","gj"])
				reply goodgirl[formality].sample
			elsif param=scancmd(action,["who are you","who do you think you are","who even are you","tell me who you are","tell us who you are","introduce yourself"])
				reply whoareyou[formality].sample
		elsif greeting==""
			if action==""
				reply nulls[formality].sample
				if result != nil
					if formality != :friendly
						r=affirmatives[formality].sample+" "
						result[0] = result[0].upcase if formality != :ranuir
						result += "." if not result=~/\W$/
					reply r+result.chomp
					reply negatives[formality].sample
			if action==""
				if formality == :friendly
					reply (nulls[:friendly] + [
						greeting+" yourself"
				elsif formality == :ranuir
					reply (nulls[:ranuir] + [
						"a " + greeting + ['sanat','tilat','tamat'].sample
				elsif formality == :formal
						r = greeting
						reply r +", " + user + "."
				elsif formality == :military
					if lowrank
						reply [
							"You're out of line, "+rank+"!",
							"Cut the chatter, soldier!",
							"Stow the chit-chat, "+rank+"!",
						reply rank+", sir!"
				if formality == :military and lowrank
					reply negatives[formality].sample
				result=perform(action, user)
				if result != nil
					result[0] = result[0].upcase if formality != :friendly and formality != :ranuir
					result += "." if not result=~/\W$/
					reply r+" "+result
					reply negatives[formality].sample
	on :message, /daddy/i do |m|
		m.reply "NO DDLG"
	on :message, /monad/i do |m|
		m.reply "NO HASKELL"
	on :message, /satan/i do |m|
		lucy = ["hail satan", "ave satanas", "all glory to the prince of darkness"]
		lucy += { |x| x.upcase }
		m.reply(mult(lucy, ["",".","!","!!","!!1"]).sample)
	on :message, /there/i do |m|
		m.reply ["*they're","*their"].sample if rand(50)==0
	on :message, /ableis[mt]/i do |m|
		m.reply ["stop saying that", "that word is banned",
		"that's not a word anymore, sorry", "you don't get to say that anymore", "nope"].sample 
		m.reply 'if you mean "harmful to disabled people," say that'
	on :message, /your/i do |m|
		m.reply ["*you're","*yore"].sample if rand(50)==0
	on :online, "velartrill" do |m|
		m.reply "ALL RISE"
