procgen at [b3aefdaa1e]

File artifact dce9a8bc7b part of check-in b3aefdaa1e

let nouns = [|
	"verve"; "pulchritude"; "beneficence"; "dismay"; "wit";
	"cheer"; "glee"; "malevolence"; "wickedness"; "cruelty";
	"sagacity"; "splendor"; "pride"; "rage"; "fury"; "snazz";
	"foolishness"; "sleepiness"; "curiosity"; "brevity"; "lust";
	"confidence"; "bashfulness"; "awkwardness"; "terror";
	"accuracy"; "insanity"; "sorrow"; "gladness"; "weariness";
	"depression"; "passion"; "dread"; "popularity"; "vulgarity";
    "madness"; "compassion"; "tact"; "evil"; "hate"; "hatred";
    "horror"; "omnipotence"; "charisma"; "radiance"; "depravity";
let mods_w = [|
	"filled"; "overcome"; "shining"; "vivacious";
	"burning"; "blazing"; "morose"; "gleeful"; "mad";
	"shaking"; "howling"; "snarling"; "gruesome";
    "helpless"; "vibrant"; "desperate"; "triumphant";
    "glum"; "sorrowful"; "struck"; "grumbling";
    "griping"; "hissing"; "hooting"; "crackling";
    "glowing"; "radiant";
let mods_f = [|
    "full of"; "struck by"; "overcome by";
let mods = Array.append ( (fun a -> a ^ " with") mods_w) mods_f
let advs = [|
	"cruelly"; "angrily"; "madly"; "hopelessly"; "thoughtlessly";
	"wickedly"; "hopefully"; "quickly"; "speedily"; "furiously";
	"kindly"; "maniacally"; "tearfully"; "bashfully"; "angrily";
	"wondrously"; "splendidly"; "tremendously"; "badly";
	"terribly"; "foolishly"; "snazzily"; "toplessly"; "balefully";
	"beautifully"; "kindly"; "thoughtfully"; "cautiously";
    "severely"; "wisely"; "lustfully"; "tactfully"; "winsomely";
    "watchfully"; "irresponsibly"; "headlessly"; "charismatically";
    "radiantly"; "sinfully"; "lawlessly"; "unlawfully"; "lawfully";
let adjs = [|
	"cheerful"; "wondrous"; "overwhelming"; "adorable";
	"snazzy"; "hopeful"; "desperate"; "lustful"; "dour";
	"sad"; "sorrowful"; "hopeless"; "all-consuming"; "mad";
	"cruel"; "dreadful"; "terrible"; "fearsome"; "inescapable";
	"thoughtless"; "vile"; "bashful"; "topless"; "naked"; "dire";
	"baleful"; "vulgar"; "beautiful"; "horrid"; "cautious";
    "violent"; "wise"; "supreme"; "marvelous"; "tactful"; "evil";
    "wretched"; "fearful"; "awe-inspiring"; "vengeful"; "wrathful";
    "omnipotent"; "charismatic"; "radiant"; "lawless"; "unlawful";

type rule = R of string array | S of string | B of rule list | A of rule array | O of rule;;
let mkb = (fun a -> S a)
let verbs = Array.append (mkb [|
	"shines"; "toots"; "honks"; "mutters"; "whispers"; "growls";
	"roars"; "whuffles"; "warbles"; "howls"; "screams"; "shrieks";
	"quivers"; "dances"; "hops up and down"; "grins"; "mumbles";
	"counsels you"; "glares"; "stares at you"; "looks up"; "gazes at you";
    "marvels"; "laughs"; "sins"; "whistles"; "whungles"; "jangles";
    "twerks"; "blinks"; "blorps"; "flunks"; "planks"; "glitters";
    "gleams"; "grumbles"; "grouches"; "bites you"; "gnaws on you";
    "glimmers"; "gripes"; "plots"; "wonders"; "whittles"; "plays the fiddle";
    "ponders"; "contemplates you"; "scrunches"; "zaps"; "zaps you";
    "hoots"; "crackles"; "glows"; "blogs";
|]) [|
    B[S"radiates "; R nouns];
    B[S"oozes "; R nouns];

let pick a = a.( (Array.length a))
let rec eval r : string = match r with
	| R x -> pick x
	| S x -> x
	| B x -> List.fold_left (^) "" ( eval x)
	| A x -> eval (pick x)
	| O x -> if 2 = 0 then eval x else ""
let syl () =
	let stop = R [| "p"; "t"; "k"; |] in
	let fric = R [| "s"; "f"; "h"; "x"; |] in
	let vstop = R [| "b"; "d"; "g"; |] in
	let vfric = R [| "z"; "v"; "gh"; |] in
	let liq = R [| "l"; "r"; "y"; "w"; |] in
	let nasal = R [| "n"; "m"; "ng"; |] in
	let obs = A [| stop; fric; vstop; nasal; liq; |] in
	let v = R [| "a"; "e"; "u"; "o"; "i"; "ee"; "oo"; "au"; "ai";"oi";|] in
	let sr = A [|
		B[obs; v; O obs];
		B[A [|stop;vstop;fric;vfric;|]; O liq; v; O obs];
	|] in eval sr
let prefixes = [| "ur-"; "dire "; "dire ur-"; "super "; "ultra "; "great "; "grand "; "terror-"; "horror-"; "giant "; "evil "; "dark "; "vorpal "; "royal ";|]
let name () =
	let size = 1 + ( 3) in
	let rec loop n acc = if n = 0 then acc else loop (n-1) (acc^(syl ())) in
	(if 2 = 0 then (pick prefixes) else "") ^ loop size "";;

let isvowel c = match c with
	| 'a' | 'e' | 'i' | 'o' | 'u' -> true
	| _ -> false;;
let indef x = if isvowel x.[0] then "an "^x else "a "^x;;
let encounter () = 
	let msgs = [|
		"you encounter";
		"you chance upon";
		"you find";
		"you run into";
		"you run straight into";
		"you trip over";
		"you stumble upon";
		"you happen upon";
		"how wondrous!";
		"how marvelous!";
		"how gruesome!";
		"how splendid!";
		"oh no!";
	|] in
    let kinds =
        let maybe x = O(B[x; S" "]) in
        let adjp = B[maybe (R advs); R adjs] in B [
			R [|"it";"she";"he";|]; S" ";
			A [|
				B[A verbs; S " ";
					A [|
                        B[ S "with "; maybe adjp; R nouns;];
						R advs;
				B[S"is "; maybe (R advs);
                    A [|
                        B[R mods; S" "; maybe adjp; R nouns;];
                        R mods_w;
			S "!"; 
	] in
	(pick msgs)^" "^(indef (name()))^"! " ^ (eval kinds);;
let rec times n a = if n = 0 then () else (a (); times (n-1) a);;
let () = Random.self_init (); 
(*	times 20 (fun () ->*)
		print_string ((encounter ()) ^ "\n")
(*	)*)