procgen  Diff

Differences From Artifact [fa196ac94e]:

To Artifact [949f5f0581]:

     1      1   ; [ʞ] verb.scm
     2      2   ;  ~ lexi hale <>
     3      3   ;  © affero general public license
     4      4   ;  > (load "lib/lisp-macro.scm")
     5         -;    (load "lib/struct.scm")
            5  +;    (load "lib/fn-struct.scm")
     6      6   ;    (load "lib/verb.scm")
     7      7   
     8      8   ; macros, functions, and rules  for conjugating verbs and
     9      9   ; generating verb phrases. this library rules was written
    10     10   ; specifically for english verbs and  cannot be used as a
    11     11   ; "drop-in"  library for  other  languages; however,  the
    12     12   ; structured and functions  used are sufficiently generic
   157    157   		   ; e.g. drink → drank
   158    158   		   (inf [stem]       *o*)
   159    159   		   (prs [stem "s"]   *o*)
   160    160   		   (ger [stem "ing"] *o*)
   161    161   		   (adj [stem "ing"] *o*)
   162    162   		   (pst [ipst]        *o*)
   163    163   		   (ppl [ippl]        *o*))
          164  +
          165  +(verb-form (strong-heavy stem final ipst ippl)
          166  +		   ; e.g. drink → drank
          167  +		   (inf [stem]       *o*)
          168  +		   (prs [stem "s"]   *o*)
          169  +		   (ger [stem final "ing"] *o*)
          170  +		   (adj [stem final "ing"] *o*)
          171  +		   (pst [ipst]        *o*)
          172  +		   (ppl [ippl]        *o*))
   164    173   
   165    174   (verb-form (irregular iinf iprs iger ipst ippl)
   166    175   		   ; e.g. have → has → had
   167    176   		   (inf [iinf] *o*)
   168    177   		   (prs [iprs] *o*)
   169    178   		   (ger [iger] *o*)
   170    179   		   (adj [iger] *o*)