procgen  Diff

Differences From Artifact [9a53bb5579]:

To Artifact [a4ef51fdec]:

   224    224   		(i " is not a solution for " (problem))
   225    225   		(i " does not solve " (problem))
   226    226   		(i " cannot solve " (problem))
   227    227   			
   228    228   	)
   229    229   (rule (predicate i)
   230    230   	(i " was developed after " (ideology))
          231  +	(i " was developed before " (ideology))
          232  +	(i " was developed before " (problem) " was recognized")
          233  +	(i " was developed before " (problem) " was recognized as a problem")
          234  +	(i " was developed before the issue of " (problem) " came into focus")
          235  +	(i " developed before general awareness of " (problem))
   231    236   	(i " was built on " (ideology))
   232    237   	(i " was inspired by " (ideology))
   233    238   	(i " was influenced by " (ideology))
   234    239   	(i " is an ideological descendent of " (ideology))
   235    240   	
   236    241   	(i " was developed by " (group))
   237    242   	(i " was developed to address the needs of " (group))
   290    295   	((cause (group) i) " no longer experience " (problem))
   291    296   	
   292    297   	((cause (group) i) " suffer")
   293    298   	((cause (group) i) " be marginalized")
   294    299   	((cause (group) i) " become marginalized")
   295    300   	((cause (group) i) " become exploited")
   296    301   	((cause (group) i) " become addicted to " (thingss))
   297         -	((cause (group) i) " lose " (trait))
   298         -	((cause (group) i) " lose " (things))
   299    302   	((cause (group) i) " lose their " (trait))
   300    303   	((cause (group) i) " lose their " (things))
   301    304   	((cause (group) i) " no longer have " (necessity))
          305  +	((cause (group) i) " no longer be able to get " (necessity))
   302    306   	((cause (group) i) " lose access to " (necessity))
   303    307   	)
   304    308   
   305    309   (rule (pc p i) ((p i)) ((predicate-or-claim (pick (vector "it" i)))))
   306    310   (rule (statement i)
   307    311   	((pc predicate i))
   308    312   	((pc claim i))