procgen  Diff

Differences From Artifact [4c1ce8b744]:

To Artifact [a53366f464]:

   134    134   ; state: a function that is called on a person, a tense
   135    135   ; (one of 'pst 'prs 'fut 'perf 'imperf), an aspect
   136    136   ; ('stat 'inch), and returns a string of text describing
   137    137   ; the person in that state
   138    138   ;  e.g.	(outta-mind '3sg.f 'prs 'stat) → "is outta her mind"
   139    139   ;		(suicidal '3sg.m 'fut 'stat) → "is gonna want to die"
   140    140   
   141         -(define (adjective pers tense aspect)
          141  +; (define (adjective pers tense aspect))
   142    142   
   143    143   
   144    144   (define (pick-rec top-list)  ; note: do not expose to
   145    145     (let ([e (pick top-list)]) ; empty vectors
   146    146   	(if (vector? e) (pick-rec e) e)))
   147    147   
   148    148   (define verb:be (let ([t (struct 'inf 'pst)]