procgen  Diff

Differences From Artifact [35628b9670]:

To Artifact [40c72117b1]:

   302    302   		 (" was " (one-of "developed" "designed" "created" )
   303    303   		  	(@ (" by ")
   304    304   			   (" for ")
   305    305   			   ( (: (" by " (group)))
   306    306   				(one-of " to address the needs of "
   307    307   						" in the class interest of "))))
   308    308   		 (" only " (one-of "centers" "uplifts" "liberates"
   309         -						   "cares about" "addresses the needs of"))
          309  +						   "cares about" "addresses the needs of") " ")
   310    310   		 ((one-of " only" "") (one-of " centers " " cares about ")
   311    311   							  (? "the " (one-of "needs"
   312    312   												"struggles"
   313    313   												"voices"
   314    314   												"experiences"
   315    315   												"suffering"
   316    316   												"struggle") " of "))